The Purpose of this Blog

The purpose of this blog will be for me to have a space where I can sort out my thoughts about my subjects and my readings.

I am currently a first year studying International Relations at university. This year some of my modules are pure politics ones, and I also have a module in Criminology. In addition, I do love going to other people’s modules (even also seminars), to learn as much as possible and get a broad understanding of the world, as sticking to one subject and viewpoint is something I see as narrow-minded. One theory can’t explain it all.

As I previously did music it has been a very new experience to suddenly embrace politics at this scale. There are many scholars that have written for my subject, and I want to try to understand what I am reading and ask questions about it in an informal setting.

I will probably have occasional rants about essay writing. It is a huge part of university life, and I can’t say I always agree with everything.

So basically, this blog is a place for me to write “flaw speeches” about what I encounter in my subject, or at the academic life of university in general.

Please feel free to comment, but be kind if you can, as I haven’t made up my mind about what I’m reading yet. I’m just trying to understand.

Thank you,


ps. The name of the blog comes from a Paul McCartney song called The Songs We Were Singin

Author: Julie

I'm a Psychology student, musician and overall interested in philosophy, languages, science and culture.

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